Sarah Palin Going Rogue – An American Life
Sarah Palin Going Rougue This is the Sarah Palin book my wife asked for. Going Rouge by Sarah Palin One year ago, Sarah Palin burst onto the national political stage like a comet. Yet even now, few Americans know who this remarkable woman really is. There is now a Sarah Palin book quickly rising on […]
The rich get richer – Widening Income Gap in America
Capitalism is a great idea, but it is not working as it was intended. The primary reason being our elected officials and their collaboration with big corporations. The income gap in the U.S. is widening even more now. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are at a standstill while the ranks of the […]
Does it seem like you are working harder for less money..You are!
Americans working much harder – for less pay – Eye on the Economy- working harder for your money
George Bush has found a new career
Colleges and Universities want Bailout
I read an article just last week that now Colleges and Universities are stating they are under such a teribble strain , there is no way to fix it without the government stepping in. Excuse me has anyone seen how fast education costs have risen over the last 15 years? What have they been doing […]
How to get your part of the bailout
After hearing that the bailout plan is changing, including helping credit card companies(reasonable rates would probably get them a better ROI) , now the automakers want in. They build cars that cost more than houses and wind up in $65 an hour repair shops in less than year. They should go broke. Didn’t this happen […]
Ron Paul was right
They laughed at him during the presidential election..but interest rates could not fix the they are just printing more money. Problem is you have to be a billion dollar corporation to get any of it. Tax Americans..give it to corporations so they can loan it back to us. Brilliant idea.
Government Bailout-still bailing out business
Paulson is now deciding the government needs to help other businesses bailout. What about the American consumer? After a decade of huge corporate profits , the price per kilowatt of electricity actually doubling, fuel tripling, not to mention medical expenses , wages have been stagnant. All Americans have not been using credit unwisely. Many have […]
Credit Card Bailout
We need a credit card bailout. Sure consumers need to try and be financially responsible, but after a decade of rising health, energy prices,(Fuel is 400% from 8 years ago, electricity has over doubled) and other basic costs of living, Wages have moved relatively slow. As corporate America and shareholders profited, little has been put […]
Screw a bailout. If taxpayers are going to have to bail out multibillion dollar institutions(a bunch of those are the same guys that did the failed savings and loan bs in the seventies by the way) I need a bailout, I only need about 3.5 milliion. I could give a shit less about some bank […]