congress in session | ever get that feeling ?
You know that feeling you get? Congress in session ..get elected, show up a few months out of the year..get paid(you can see their schedule here..) Granted some are tough decisions..the same tough decisions they were trying to make twenty years ago. Congress in sessions solution seems to be make another law. Hmmm , […]
be on time | should we be on time ?
I try to be on time..actually a few minutes early. The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.
Google Maps| Is Google Maps better than Mapquest
Google Maps| Is Google Maps better than Mapquest? You decide. Follow these steps for something really funny 1. Go to Google Maps2. Click Get Directions3. on point A type in Los Angeles, CA4. on point B type in Honolulu, HI5. Scroll down the directions in on the left side and look at # 13 Funny! […]
5 Free Ways to Improve Your Typing Skills Online
If you didn’t pay attention in your high school typing class, you might be regretting it now. Hovering hesitantly over the keys with two fingers and poking away is a waste of time — not to mention it doesn’t look very professional. But don’t worry; like any other skill, you can improve. Think of the […]
Ticked Off Woman | This Woman is ticked off about cheating husband
This woman is super ticked off at her cheating husband
Ticked Off Wife | Another mad wife and she is ticked
Cheating Husband |Ticked Off Wife
Do you think this cheating husband thought his wife was ticked off?
Revenge | A True Story about Revenge
Revenge | A True Story about Revenge A boy about 13 years old walked down the street dragging a flattened frog on a string behind him. He came up to the doorstep of a brothel and knocked on the door. When the madam answered it, she saw the little boy and asked what he wanted. […]
Is Your Woman Ticked Off ? | Find Out If Your Woman is Ticked Off
Woman ticked off. Here are some more ways to tell if your woman is ticked off. This woman is really ticked too.
Aldi comes to Texas | Just what Walmart needs
Aldi Foods has opened 11 stores in Texas . Aldi Foods has been selling low cost groceries since 1976 and Aldi Foods has now opened stores in Texas. As Walmart struggles to maintain same store sales much less growth (it can be reasoned that same store sales growth is merely price increases for Walmart..remember name […]
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