Does the Common Core Make You Gay ? |What is the Common Core

This is an actual elected official – his ignorance and fear tactics are embarrassing

Its people like this that want our nation to stay uneducated Listen to this idiot Republican Florida State Representative Charles Van Zandt state the common core is trying to turn our kids gay.

What is the Common Core?

The Common Core is clear college and career ready standards for children beginning in kindergarten thru 12th grade. These standards are to ensure graduating seniors from high school are prepared to take college courses or be productive workforce members of society. There is a huge differences in how states educate our children. As a result we have fallen behind the world. According to the Huffington Post,
“Just 6 percent of U.S. students performed at the advanced level on an international exam administered in 56 countries in 2006. That proportion is lower than those achieved by students in 30 other countries. American students’ low performance and slow progress in math could also threaten the country’s economic growth, experts have said.” The Common Core curriculum  will help ensure all our children are taught critical skills needed to be successful.
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Why is Common Core Math so Important ?

The mathematical progressions, or sequencing of topics, presented in the Common Core State Standards are coherent and based on evidence. Part of the problem with state standards is that states teach different things at different grades and ages. Now that state educators have agreed on the progression of standards, all students will be taught the same sequences. You can move from one state to the next and not find yourself a year behind. It is important to know that the progression taught thru Common Core is mathematically coherent and prepares our youth for college and  careers at an internationally competitive level.

Common Core is not Obamacare for Education

Education commissioners and states governors led the development of the Common Core in an interest to improve our children’s education , which has been proven statistically  to have fallen behind a major part of the world. I think we all can agree we should be leaders in education, not trying to play catch up. The Common Core is a start. Input in the development of the standards was also and continues to be taken from teachers,parents,educators,school administrators and experts from across the country, along with every states leaders. The Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government or Obama.

You can learn more about the Common Core (there is nothing in it about homosexuality) at

I promise common core will not turn your kids gay –
science and homosexuality
Science that has answered the prayers of  many gays by  demonstrating a biological determinant Congenital Disorder, proving that they are not evil people who have made a lifestyle to choice to live in sin. This has helped normalize homosexuality in the eyes of the medical community  and the minds of most Americans. I t has long since been removed from the list of “mental disorders” . Yet, many still think of homosexuality as something that needs to be cured.

Common Core Standards have also been adopted by  American territories including, Samoan Islands, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. The United States Department of Defense Education Activity has also adopted Common Core Standards.common core make you gay ?
This map displays the 46 states and District of Columbia’s adoption of CCSS as well as the 4 states that have not adopted CCSS. Minnesota adopted ELA but not Math standards.


Dave Chapelle Comeback

Dave Chapelle Comeback is possible

Dave Chappelle loves entertaining and his family life.  Read what Chappelle has to say about the decisions he is confronted with.

Dave Chapelle greatest comeback answer

What’s the main reason you talk yourself out of it?
Mostly it has to do with just disrupting what my life is now. I have a very good life, a high quality of life. I have both money and time. No one has that. My kids are older now, sdave chappele comebacko when I make decisions within the public eye, it affects more than just me. This year I’ve been way more generous with my time, as far as what I’m willing to share. And it’s been great. People have been very supportive. They’ve always been supportive. But it was good to reaffirm that I actually did have a rapport with the audience and people are still interested. Like when my agent tells me I sold out shows in Lincoln, Nebraska, I don’t take that for granted.

ESP Files Not Showing In Gimp | Gimp Error Message Photoshop Files

If you are having an error message when trying to open a photoshop file in Gimp , you have found the answer.

Gimp 2.8 is having an issue opening photoshop files. With this solution you should be able to open photoshop files and edit them in Gimp , the free photoshop software solution. I have Gimp 2.8 and Ghostscript version 9.14 and these steps worked perfect , operating system is Windows 7 64 bit.

1. You must download and install Ghostscript 9.14 (no email address or other bs needed, Ghostscript is a GNU software that     is totally free and been under development for over 20 years). You can download it here

2. If you don’t have the latest,  best free photoshop alternative Gimp 2.8 You can download it here

3. Go to your Program files and find  Computer/Program Files/gs/gs9.14
Open the bin folder  (example: C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.14\bin)
Right Click the file gsdll64  and copy

4. Open the Gimp  folder ( example:     C:\Program Files\Gimp2\)
Right Click the bin folder and Paste

5. Now open the Gimp bin folder

6. Scroll down and rename the file libgs-8 to libgs-8.old

7. Scroll back up and rename gsdll64 to libgs-8

Restart Gimp

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5 people to ask questions to- Jesus,Hitler,Delorean,Grandfather,Myself

5 people to ask questions to- who would you ask questions too ?

Who would you like to ask questions? We would like to see your comments. What if you could only ask one person? How about 5 to make it easier.  It could be your Mom,Dad, son, daughter, great figure in history, a teacher, someone you seen in the news..It is still really tough especially as much as technology and the transfer of information has changed. Much of this information is not actually facts, but opinion. And your opinion is needed. Most, if not all, information is not accurate or biased(or extremely biased). So we would like to know what you think.
Who would you pick? I have about 150, but thats an unreasonable request from the powers that be. Thus, how about 5. Who in history would you like to ask questions to?  Here’s mine…

If I was able to ask some really serious questions(and some not), and  if I only had a choice of 5 people to ask real questions to would be..

1.  Jesus   (gotta talk to a few questions for Saul too)
2. Hitler
3. Delorean
4. My Grandfather
5. Myself (I’m pretty insightful and analytically probable) You probably are too !

Bonus: Since the number of completion is considered to be 7, my next two would be Elvis and   Popovich.

Take a pencil and piece of paper and think of 5, or even seven feel free to comment. We would like to see your comments.
Thanks for your time and consideration. and as always.. Vote Mcclure

Suddenlink Remote Control Code for Element TV

Suddenlink Remote Control Code for Element TV

The Element Code for Suddenlink Remote Controls I have found to work is 0178 .
Once again Suddenlink has proven how behind their service is from the rest of cable,satellite, and even internet tv services. Their equipment charges keep increasing in price, while service is not enhanced or improved upon , as others are reducing prices and innovating trying to gain market share. Many element tv’s have been sold in the past year and if you have suddenlink you still have the same old equipment with unusable ports and at least need the code for your remote. The suddenlink remote code for element tv’s  I have found to work is 0178.

Press tv once(it will blink once)
Press setup till tv blinks twice
Enter 0178 – tv should blink twice
Press the power button to confirm

If this code does not work on an element tv using suddenlink cable, I don’t know what will. I have seen this remote control code work on many element tv’s using suddenlink cable though.

Hope this helps.

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Cant Redeem NBA 2K14 Gamestop Code XBox 360| How to enter xbox 360 gamestop code for NBA 2K14

The instructions on the Gamestop receipt to redeem your King James Path to Greatness is flat out wrong.  They tell you a website to go to get the specific instructions to enter for the xbox 360 and its wrong. Here is exactly how to redeem your xbox code for NBA 2k14 for the xbox 360.

Log in to your Xbox live account
Start the game and go to the main menu. If it starts with a quick game press the red “B” button to go to the main screen.
Scroll down to Features and you will see an option for Codes
Enter your code
Wallah ! You have unlocked the King James Bonus pack for the xbox 360.

Thats how to redeem your NBA 2k14 xbox code

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