Category Archives: Batting | Hitting

Coaching Youth Baseball: Baseball Hitting Tips| Youth Baseball Hitting Tips

Looking for some baseball hitting tips for your youth baseball player ? Check out the new article  for youth baseball hitting tips. It explains the importance of seeing the ball and not only telling players to see the ball , but how and where to look. These are important youth baseball hitting tips and are just as important as the hands and swing to hit the ball hard and get more base hits and extra base hits.


Better Baseball Hitting | Youth Baseball Hitting

Ever notice some kids hitting the ball hard in baseball practice , but once in a youth baseball game they can’t seem to make hard contact or contact at all? This is actually pretty common in youth baseball hitting. Baseball hitters tend to relax during batting practice. They know strikes and good pitches are coming and they want to  to hit the ball hard, so their mind is clear and ready to go.

During a youth baseball game the pitcher is trying to get them out now. A hitter can overcomplicate things by putting too much pressure on themselves, thinking too hard about every thing he has been told, or simplyt losing confidence  in their hitting ability. The mental side of hitting can be the hardest to overcome,sometimes it just takes more time, more batting practice,more at bats. My oldest son once told me I need to be moved down in the lineup because I haven’t been hitting well. I told him thats the coaches job to move you. You want as many at bats as possible to try and come out of the slump. Players nearer the top of the lineup will get more plate attempts. Of course, everything worked out fine, and his hitting worked out.

Mental mistakes are often the most challenging to overcome, and sometimes they just take time. I like to go back to making it simple. Focus on the ball, quick hands,hit the ball hard.  Sometimes thats all it takes.


You just have to empty your head, have confidence in your own ability, and go up there and just try to hit the ball hard. Trying your best is all I ask of my players.

More youth baseball hitting tips and drills at
Youth Baseball Drills | Youth Baseball Tips , Instruction and Drills

evan longoria |unbelievable catch by evan longoria

if you haven’t seen the unbelievable bare handed catch by evan longoria here it is 

evan longoria unbelievable catch

TPX Youth Baseball Bat | Youth Baseball Bats | Choose a Youth Baseball Bat

Louisville Slugger TPX Baseball Bats is my favorite youth baseball bat sold on the market today. Which Louisville TPX Baseball Bat is the right one for your child and where can you get the best deal on a louisville slugger tpx baseball bat? Which youth baseball bats are the most durable and how do you make the best decision, when spending your money on any youth baseball bat including Louisville Slugger TPX Baseball Bats? This is where to find the best deals on youth baseball bats including Louisville Slugger TPX.
Youth Baseball Bats | Review youth baseball bats

Baseball Players: Hit Home Runs This Season! Bat Speed Training That Will Add 40 Feet Of Hitting Distance – And More! Get Noticed For Your Ability To Make Consistent, Hard Contact With Our Highly Regarded And Proven Guaranteed Program. Become a Power Hitter! Hit the ball HARD!

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There is a lot of good deals out there on youth baseball bats. Be careful what you pay as many leagues are imposing new legal requirements for youth baseball bats. College and High School requirements have already changed

Posted via email from mcclure’s posterous

Quick Youth Baseball Hitting Tip

Heres a quick youth baseball hitting tip from Coach Rau at The Play Ball Training Academy I would like to pass along to youth baseball coaches.


“Quick tip: Watch for good, long finishes from your    Youth Baseball Hitting Drills
hitters, if their finish isn’t high and long, chances
are that they’re not getting full extension or a good
hip rotation and they’re cutting off the swing.”


Best Wishes,
Coach Rau
Play Ball Training Academy

Youth Baseball Hitting | Increase Your Batting Average

Youth Baseball Hitting | Increase the batting average for youth baseball hitters.

Hit the Ball Hard !

Much of a hitter’s success comes from being smart and staying within the strike zone. Hitters who are selective and can patiently wait for a good pitch to hit will greatly increase his chances of having a successful at bat.

Hit Home Runs This Season!
Bat Speed Training That Will Add Hitting Distance.Get Noticed For Your Ability To Make Consistent, Hard Contact With Our Highly Regarded And Proven Guaranteed Program. Become a Power Hitter! Hit the ball HARD!

Be selective and aggressive as a youth baseball hitter. Do not let the pitcher expand the strike zone. A youth baseball pitchers goal is to get you to swing at bad pitches and expand his strike zone. The goal is to get on base. nothing wrong with walks. If you can’t get on base you are not doing your job. Remember the more pitches you see the better youth baseball hitter you will be.  Also, Go up to bat with a purpose. What kind of pitch are you looking for? Is anyone on base? Be selective and look for the pitches you can drive somewhere. I think this simple tip can be introduced to youth baseball players as early as ten years old.

Hit the Ball Hard !

Be patient and look for a good pitch to hit !

Who else wants to be a better hitter in less than 1 week?
The Super Eight Hitting system

TPX Baseball Bats | H2 Youth Baseball Bats by Louisville Slugger

tpx baseball bats
tpx baseball bats

We should see many tpx baseball bats this year on the youth baseball fields.

Along with the exogrid the new rage is the H2 tpx youth baseball bats by Louisville Slugger.

Learn more about tpx youth baseball bats at tpx youth baseball bats

How To Hit Home Runs | Youth Baseball Hitting Home Runs

How To Hit Home Runs - Trevor McClure
How To Hit Home Runs - Trevor McClure

Who else wants to be a better hitter in less than 1 week?
The Super Eight Hitting system

My son has used Louisville Slugger TPX Baseball Bats during his entire playing time of youth baseball. He always said he liked the feel of the Louisville Slugger TPX baseball bats of other brands of youth baseball bats. He  practiced hitting off from a tee ,  soft toss and short toss . He quickly became one of the top batters in his age group. He was what is considered a contact hitter. Very high on base percentage with practically no strikeouts.

Who else wants to be a better hitter in less than 1 week?
The Super Eight Hitting system