Category Archives: Sulphur Springs Texas

Coronavirus is the common cold ?

Rush Limbaugh said coronavirus is the common cold

I listen to conservative “news” and it just astounds me how much they actually just make up. Pretty much on a daily basis, twisting actual news, yelling , name calling and then they constantly complain about “the media” which is they are a part of by the way. How can you listen to a conservative radio or tv show and then listen to them act like they are not media… and convince people the media is something different, The GOP abolished the fairness in doctrine act back in the eighties just so they could spill one sided news., now they dont want news reported just indoctrination.

Its difficult to come to agreements and censuses that are good for all when you refuse to analyze situations instead of just undying loyalty for party lines. Its irrational and just plain ignorant to think the other side is always wrong. There’s not a problem with stating your side…opinions and beliefs, having a popular show, or making a few million, but the abolishment of the doctrine wasn’t supposed to be a pathway to just lie just to avoid agreeing with someone or something your peers are against.
Or was it?

definition of media

Sulphur Springs Boys Basketball |12 Year Old Coaching Two Undefeated Teams

12 year old coach Grayson McClure
12 Year Old Coach Grayson McClure

Here is a local feel good story. The Sulphur Springs Basketball local league for local youth, led by Bryan Burney,is in need every year for coaches. There is never enough volunteers to coach all the children that sign up. This year was no exception but something exceptional did happen.

7th grade middle schooler Grayson McClure, asked if he could coach. He was allowed, and 12 year old Grayson McClure became the head coach. All basketball practices have been run by Grayson, including practice plans and drills. He has had some help from fellow friend and middle schooler Chase Haney, and big brother Trevor McClure who were quickly on board to help assist.

Of course there was some concern about a 12 year old coaching not only 1 team , but 2 ! Yes Grayson is coaching a 5th-6th grade team , and a 3rd-4th grade team as well. The concerns were quickly dismissed as parents commented:

  • Our son is by far not the best , but Grayson makes him feel like a valuable part of the team
  • I want Grayson to coach my son from now on in every sport !
  • He is doing a better job than most of the adults do.
  • I think it’s awesome for someone Grayson’s age to do something like this because it gives these younger kids someone positive to look up to.

12 year old coach Grayson Mcclure coaching
Grayson McClure is a straight A student and and participates in Sulphur Springs Middle School Athletics. This has not only been a great experience for the youth basketball coaches , but to the players and organization as well.We believe taking  on such as a task with all the online social activities our youth are involved in today, contributing their time to our communities youth in
Sulphur Springs Boys Basketball at such a young age, as Grayson and Chase have done, definitely deserves some kudos.

Did we mention both teams have undefeated records of 6-0 thus far.

12 year old coach grayson mcclure in action with big brother Trevor Mcclure
Grayson McClure with Trevor McClure


Yes, Both teams are undefeated as of this writing.

We apologize but no pictures of Chase Haney were available at time of publishing.

Dave Chapelle Comeback

Dave Chapelle Comeback is possible

Dave Chappelle loves entertaining and his family life.  Read what Chappelle has to say about the decisions he is confronted with.

Dave Chapelle greatest comeback answer

What’s the main reason you talk yourself out of it?
Mostly it has to do with just disrupting what my life is now. I have a very good life, a high quality of life. I have both money and time. No one has that. My kids are older now, sdave chappele comebacko when I make decisions within the public eye, it affects more than just me. This year I’ve been way more generous with my time, as far as what I’m willing to share. And it’s been great. People have been very supportive. They’ve always been supportive. But it was good to reaffirm that I actually did have a rapport with the audience and people are still interested. Like when my agent tells me I sold out shows in Lincoln, Nebraska, I don’t take that for granted.