Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Protests at Military Funerals | WTF !?
Our nations Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay protests at military funerals. I just simply can’t believe it.Wednesday’s 8-1 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the free speech rights of the Westboro Baptist Church is a message all Americans should be concerned about. This ridiculous decision actuals allows a protest at any […]
Governments Toppling
Amazing how these governments are toppling. The other side of the world has a crazy amount of wars and revolutions happening right now. I ponder this as I am working my my income tax forms
Coaching Youth Baseball-Free Drills and Youth baseball Tips for Parents and Coaches – Top 20 Reasons to coach Youth baseball – Humor
CoachMc writes “We all love baseball and enjoy teaching and coaching youth baseball. It is a very rewarding feeling to have a youth baseball player actually follow thru in a game with what you have been teaching and coaching. For instance a kids first strikeout or a fly ball being caught. However, there are some […]
McClures Whiskey
Nice picture of McClures Whiskey to print out and frame
Obsessed with Facebook ?
Obsessed with Facebook Via: Online Schools
Coaching Youth Baseball-Free Drills and Youth baseball Tips for Parents and Coaches – What makes a good coach | Coaching Youth Baseball
Check out this website I found at What makes a good youth baseball coach ?coach
congress in session | ever get that feeling ?
You know that feeling you get? Congress in session ..get elected, show up a few months out of the year..get paid(you can see their schedule here..) Granted some are tough decisions..the same tough decisions they were trying to make twenty years ago. Congress in sessions solution seems to be make another law. Hmmm , […]
be on time | should we be on time ?
I try to be on time..actually a few minutes early. The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.
Aldi comes to Texas | Just what Walmart needs
Aldi Foods has opened 11 stores in Texas . Aldi Foods has been selling low cost groceries since 1976 and Aldi Foods has now opened stores in Texas. As Walmart struggles to maintain same store sales much less growth (it can be reasoned that same store sales growth is merely price increases for Walmart..remember name […]
How Do you know if your woman is ticked off / Is your woman ticked off?
Is your woman ticked off? Here is a perfect example that will let you know if your woman is ticked off. ticked off woman
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