Category Archives: News

Anything in the news might be found here, especially BS put out by the government

Coaching Youth Baseball: Baseball Hitting Tips| Youth Baseball Hitting Tips

Looking for some baseball hitting tips for your youth baseball player ? Check out the new article  for youth baseball hitting tips. It explains the importance of seeing the ball and not only telling players to see the ball , but how and where to look. These are important youth baseball hitting tips and are just as important as the hands and swing to hit the ball hard and get more base hits and extra base hits.


How to Beat Up Anybody by the World Champion |Judah Friedlander the World Champion

How to Beat Up Anybody by the World Champion by Judah Friedlander

This book contains more than 500 photos! And lots of words too !

how to beat up anybody
How to beat up anybody by Judah Friedlander as seen on Conan

Teaching you how to beat up anybody!
Just look at what you get with the world champion  Judah Friedlander , How to Beat Up Anybody

This book includes chapters on ,  how to beat up Bigfoot, how to beat up someone with one arm, how to beat up someone with three arms, and how to beat up someone on a unicycle. Plus !!  How to beat up street gangs, attackers with weapons, ninjas, dinosaurs, and gangs of street ninjas with weapons riding on dinosaurs!

If you only start reading one book this year. . This is the one it should be.   How to beat up anybody  by Judah Friedlander.

Why you ask ? Because Judah Friedlander is ..
The World Champion which means he is the greatest athlete in the world, has sex with lots of women, and is a role model to children. For the first time you can now witness his training techniques.

About the Author  Judah Friedlander
One of the country’s top comedians, Judah Friedlander stars in NBC’s Emmy Award-winning hit comedy 30 Rock and has appeared in more than 30 films. He lives in New York City, where he performs stand-up almost every night.

Obama must have read my blog

Obama must have read my blog..the rich get richer


Corporate growth has not trickled down as gov’t still provide unnecessary tax breaks. As the bulk of America has lost retirement,jobs, used up savings, basically doing without and dramatically changing the quality of their lives..the rich invested in Americas trouble and now are gaining ground again.The LA Times reported that “corporate earnings keep rising at a double-digit pace while workers are lucky to get even low single-digit wage increases.”



Posted via email from mcclure’s posterous

Coaching Youth Baseball: East Texas Youth Sports | Response to post made at East Texas Youth Sports Website

Jeff put a post on his website concerning some fun stuff he gets to hear. The conversation is a text between Amy a youth baseball parent, and Jeff the owner of the website East Texas Youth Sports and President of a local youth baseball association.
We would like to give some background information and the reason for the conversation.…

Posted via email from mcclure’s posterous

Ed Dale and Apple

It amazes me Ed Dale can state
“After a week traveling in the USA and seeing whats coming down the line I’m more convinced than ever App’s are going to be a crucial part of our onling buisness ”
But can not see the obvious dominance of the pc over Apple after this journey.

Mitch Moreland just hit the ball hard ! Mitch Moreland home run tape measure

Mitch Moreland just hit the ball hard ! Mitch Moreland home run tape measure

Baseball News. If anyone has the video please post in comments

Mitch Moreland Home Run against Devil Rays

evan longoria |unbelievable catch by evan longoria

if you haven’t seen the unbelievable bare handed catch by evan longoria here it is 

evan longoria unbelievable catch

Americas Team | The Texas Rangers

Americas Team | The Texas Rangers

Americas Team The Texas Rangers
Americas Team The Texas Rangers

Texas Monthly recently sent out this image, via Twitter,  of their May cover. It features the new Americas Team, The Texas Rangers. A young ,vibrant, aggressive,team that everyone is starting to love.