Category Archives: News

Anything in the news might be found here, especially BS put out by the government

Robots VS. Drones | Tortoise meets the hare

This last year has been abuzz about drones, but what about robots? The increase in use and possibilities of drones coupled with decreasing costs has kept a huge interest in drones lately. Not only has efficiency in deliveries has been in the news , but privacy issues, airspace, etc as well, have been concerns over the use of drones in consumer use and in corporate retail use.

However, much like the story of the tortoise and the hare, drones might be losing the delivery race for big retailers and order delivery to robots. We haven’t heard much about robots as a delivery system, but apparently they have been quietly working in the shadows.
Its coming of age. Drones vs Robots , and the robots are swinging hard. In case you haven’t heard, last year legally delivered its first package by drone…in the U.K. Amazon made big news in 2013 when they announced they were testing drone delivery but was three or four years away. Here it is 4 years and its starting. But what about the United States?

Robot delivery has been legalized in the state of Virginia with a few looking to folllow.


7-Eleven claims they delivered Slurpee’s, doughnuts and other food to a customer in July, in the state of Nevada. Google also has tested drone delivery of Chipotle burritos. At first it might seem strange that food seems to be the top priority in delivery here, but that’s probably a good idea for us as consumers. Food delivery could help citizens utilize some time and increase pleasure at the same time, such as ordering what you want for lunch and using that commute time to recharge, read, or socialize. It could relate to an increase in quality of life. It is unfortunate though, historically technological advancements have helped corporations much more than individuals, we see robot delivery as a bonus.

Back to the big dog that was barking in 2013…Amazon, even with its resources and expertise in internet logistics and fulfillment, has not made much news in the U.S. with drone delivery, due to probably wanting to be sure and get it right for consumers, while complying with FAA regulations that have been newly created. I predicted years ago even during the losing years Amazon would become a force to reckon with and thus … We predict Amazon will be at the forefront of widespread drone delivery into mainstream United States.

[amazon_link asins=’B013U0F6EQ’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’homebusine028-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’83dc1fef-17da-11e7-8b02-c5fd662a7ca3′]

Hostess Owner Buys The Playboy Mansion

The owner of Hostess buys the Playboy Mansion after only two years of reviving the iconic brand. Daren Metropoulos, principal at private equity firm Metropoulos & Co.,
which owns Twinkies-maker Hostess Brands,
has entered a contract to buy the Playboy mansion in Holmby Hills, a Los Angeles neighborhood near Beverly Hills.

After over eighty years of building an iconic brand, Hostess finally went out of business after over a decade of of two bankruptcies and five different CEO’s,  Amazingly the last corporate management left with huge bonuses just to close down the company, while reducing worker pay and huge layoffs. It is obvious the last management of Hostess came in just to shut it down, reduce the value, and open the door for a different wealthy class to come in and re-profit. Hostess left behind 36 factories, 5,600 delivery routes and 19,000 jobs, creating something of a national mourning.

However, the new factory is bright and clean and much more efficient. Rows of Twinkies move along the $20 million Auto Bake system with extreme consistency. Robotic arms stack the Twinkies. This plant operates with only 500-person plant produces more than 1 million Twinkies a day, which is 80% of Hostess’ total  output–output that under the old management, that required 14 plants and 9,000 employees. Hostess is about to get more efficient because they have just installed a second Auto–Bake system for Cup Cakes. It is obvious change was needed.

After just two years after buying the defunct company, there is approximately believed to be a $2 billion win for the small group of Hostess owners. That’s more than enough for the primary owner of Hostess to buy the Playboy Mansion.

How Billionaires Make their Money | The Rich Get Richer

Opportunity is there, but very slim for most Americans. We thought this article on how billionaires make their money is interesting.. reminded us of our college days and Economics talking about barriers to entry. billionaires make moneyThe rich get richer, however, most billionaires today did make their money the old fashioned way..earning it. Most Americans just simply dream of basic necessities of life..which takes about $75,000 per year. We think $135,000 is a better number but them damn liberal think tanks..

How billionaires really make their money

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Boxcar Willie National Day | Americas Favorite Hobo Gets National Day

Boxcar Willie National Day

September 1 is Boxcar Willie National Day.  Boxcar Willie is the legend of train songs. National Boxcar Willie Day was declared because he is one of the first big stars to actually open a show on Highway 76 in Branson Missouri. His actions helped many others to start their own shows , and we all know Branson missouri has became very popular.  Boxcar Willie performed at his theatre in Branson until he died. We at think it is very appropiate for September 1 to be named National Boxcar Willie Day for his dedication to truckdrivers , trains, and family .. he surely  deserves boxcar willie day.

A favorite tv commercial growing up of ours is the ads for  for Boxcar Willies albums.  Being that it is
 Boxcar Willie National Day we had to review some of his history and albums. Amazingly we found there is a new 2015 Boxcar Willie album (cd) (mp3 maybe) available for all of us to enjoy.
Heres a little more history of the famous Boxcar Willie.

The overpass at Interstate 35E and Farm to Market Road 664 in Red Oak, Texas was renamed Boxcar Willie Memorial Overpass. In addition(and a pretty big deal)a park, near the National Mall,  in Washington, D.C. was renamed Boxcar Willie Park. You can learn some more about Boxcar Willie

Congratulations on  National Boxcar Willie  Day ! We hope you enjoy this information and listen to some of his influential music. Dont forget , Boxcar Willie’s legacy also includes being named “America’s Favorite Hobo”.

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Spongebob sings Warpigs by Black Sabbath

Generals gathered in their masses ! …

This a great video for Black Sabbath fans and Spongebob fans. We just had to share Spongebob singing Warpigs by Black Sabbath.


spongebob sings warpigs by black sabbath

Sulphur Springs Boys Basketball |12 Year Old Coaching Two Undefeated Teams

12 year old coach Grayson McClure
12 Year Old Coach Grayson McClure

Here is a local feel good story. The Sulphur Springs Basketball local league for local youth, led by Bryan Burney,is in need every year for coaches. There is never enough volunteers to coach all the children that sign up. This year was no exception but something exceptional did happen.

7th grade middle schooler Grayson McClure, asked if he could coach. He was allowed, and 12 year old Grayson McClure became the head coach. All basketball practices have been run by Grayson, including practice plans and drills. He has had some help from fellow friend and middle schooler Chase Haney, and big brother Trevor McClure who were quickly on board to help assist.

Of course there was some concern about a 12 year old coaching not only 1 team , but 2 ! Yes Grayson is coaching a 5th-6th grade team , and a 3rd-4th grade team as well. The concerns were quickly dismissed as parents commented:

  • Our son is by far not the best , but Grayson makes him feel like a valuable part of the team
  • I want Grayson to coach my son from now on in every sport !
  • He is doing a better job than most of the adults do.
  • I think it’s awesome for someone Grayson’s age to do something like this because it gives these younger kids someone positive to look up to.

12 year old coach Grayson Mcclure coaching
Grayson McClure is a straight A student and and participates in Sulphur Springs Middle School Athletics. This has not only been a great experience for the youth basketball coaches , but to the players and organization as well.We believe taking  on such as a task with all the online social activities our youth are involved in today, contributing their time to our communities youth in
Sulphur Springs Boys Basketball at such a young age, as Grayson and Chase have done, definitely deserves some kudos.

Did we mention both teams have undefeated records of 6-0 thus far.

12 year old coach grayson mcclure in action with big brother Trevor Mcclure
Grayson McClure with Trevor McClure


Yes, Both teams are undefeated as of this writing.

We apologize but no pictures of Chase Haney were available at time of publishing.

Does the Common Core Make You Gay ? |What is the Common Core

This is an actual elected official – his ignorance and fear tactics are embarrassing

Its people like this that want our nation to stay uneducated Listen to this idiot Republican Florida State Representative Charles Van Zandt state the common core is trying to turn our kids gay.

What is the Common Core?

The Common Core is clear college and career ready standards for children beginning in kindergarten thru 12th grade. These standards are to ensure graduating seniors from high school are prepared to take college courses or be productive workforce members of society. There is a huge differences in how states educate our children. As a result we have fallen behind the world. According to the Huffington Post,
“Just 6 percent of U.S. students performed at the advanced level on an international exam administered in 56 countries in 2006. That proportion is lower than those achieved by students in 30 other countries. American students’ low performance and slow progress in math could also threaten the country’s economic growth, experts have said.” The Common Core curriculum  will help ensure all our children are taught critical skills needed to be successful.
[wordbay]common core[/wordbay]

Why is Common Core Math so Important ?

The mathematical progressions, or sequencing of topics, presented in the Common Core State Standards are coherent and based on evidence. Part of the problem with state standards is that states teach different things at different grades and ages. Now that state educators have agreed on the progression of standards, all students will be taught the same sequences. You can move from one state to the next and not find yourself a year behind. It is important to know that the progression taught thru Common Core is mathematically coherent and prepares our youth for college and  careers at an internationally competitive level.

Common Core is not Obamacare for Education

Education commissioners and states governors led the development of the Common Core in an interest to improve our children’s education , which has been proven statistically  to have fallen behind a major part of the world. I think we all can agree we should be leaders in education, not trying to play catch up. The Common Core is a start. Input in the development of the standards was also and continues to be taken from teachers,parents,educators,school administrators and experts from across the country, along with every states leaders. The Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government or Obama.

You can learn more about the Common Core (there is nothing in it about homosexuality) at

I promise common core will not turn your kids gay –
science and homosexuality
Science that has answered the prayers of  many gays by  demonstrating a biological determinant Congenital Disorder, proving that they are not evil people who have made a lifestyle to choice to live in sin. This has helped normalize homosexuality in the eyes of the medical community  and the minds of most Americans. I t has long since been removed from the list of “mental disorders” . Yet, many still think of homosexuality as something that needs to be cured.

Common Core Standards have also been adopted by  American territories including, Samoan Islands, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. The United States Department of Defense Education Activity has also adopted Common Core Standards.common core make you gay ?
This map displays the 46 states and District of Columbia’s adoption of CCSS as well as the 4 states that have not adopted CCSS. Minnesota adopted ELA but not Math standards.


Dave Chapelle Comeback

Dave Chapelle Comeback is possible

Dave Chappelle loves entertaining and his family life.  Read what Chappelle has to say about the decisions he is confronted with.

Dave Chapelle greatest comeback answer

What’s the main reason you talk yourself out of it?
Mostly it has to do with just disrupting what my life is now. I have a very good life, a high quality of life. I have both money and time. No one has that. My kids are older now, sdave chappele comebacko when I make decisions within the public eye, it affects more than just me. This year I’ve been way more generous with my time, as far as what I’m willing to share. And it’s been great. People have been very supportive. They’ve always been supportive. But it was good to reaffirm that I actually did have a rapport with the audience and people are still interested. Like when my agent tells me I sold out shows in Lincoln, Nebraska, I don’t take that for granted.