Category Archives: Government BS

BS put out by the government

Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Protests at Military Funerals | WTF !?

Our nations Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay protests at military funerals. I just simply can’t believe it.Wednesday’s 8-1 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the free speech rights of the Westboro Baptist Church is a message all Americans should be concerned about.  This ridiculous decision actuals allows a protest at any funeral for any reason.
Come on, we are talking about a freaking funeral ! Military funerals even. Funerals are not the place for protests, fundraisers, or anything else stupid some asshole wants do to during a families bereavement.

Now I am not pro gay, or even anti gay, If your gay your gay, really doesn’t concern me. As long as your not imposing or

supreme court decision on gay protests
The day I see this lady in heaven, I'm gonna worry about where I'm at !

intruding on me I could care less. I spend my time focusing on taking care of my family, their health well being , and education.
But a protest at a funeral is unacceptable behavior and for sure should not be a legal right.  I don’t think the First Amendment protecting Free Speech should allow an individual or group the right to cause disturbance to others.  Especially during bereavement. You can demonstrate somewhere else to someone who might give a damn. Funerals are about remembrance and respect.

Since we have the right to bear arms , I guess everyone needs to start packing on the way to friends, family, and others funerals. This decision could cause violence in America.  Funerals are already a very emotional time for many people and families, allowing such idiocy to prevail can turn into irrational decisions, just because the high court has allowed a persons right to bereavement to be disrupted. Just because 8 folks in robes say it is ok, don’t make it right, and damn sure don’t mean a family has to listen to it.

This decision by the Supreme Court to allow gay protests at military funerals is not a victory of any sort for the First Amendment.  It  just shows high court’s tolerance and its interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. I prefer the phrase dumbass decision. What I  worry about, and you should too, what challenge comes next and results in such a inhumane decision ?

I hope the gays start protesting something at Westboro Church, their church members funerals, their kids sporting events, and anything else they can think of.

Governments Toppling

Amazing how these governments are toppling. The other side of the world has a crazy amount of wars and revolutions happening right now.
I ponder this as I am working my my income tax forms

wars going on right now

congress in session | ever get that feeling ?

You know that feeling you get?

Congress in session ..get elected, show up a few months out of the year..get paid(you can see their schedule here..)

Granted some are tough decisions..the same tough decisions they were trying to make twenty years ago. Congress in sessions  solution seems to be make another law.       Hmmm , free country with more laws than any other nation in the world..      back to the point.   You know that feeling you get?

Have you ever seen a young child grab a baseball bat or a hammer for the first time?

You know that feeling you get?

When congress goes in session..

I get that same feeling every time Congress is in session.

The rich get richer – Widening Income Gap in America

Capitalism is a great idea, but it is not working as it was intended. The primary reason being our elected officials and their collaboration with big corporations. The income gap in the U.S. is widening even more now.

The rich are getting richer, and the poor are at a standstill while the ranks of the poor is growing. The income gaps of Americans is widening. Has been for decades., but it is just getting plain ridiculous. We often hear the question of compensation for ordinary workers counterposed with the idea of profits. The reality, however, is that the total share of GDP that goes to workforce compensation remains eerily steady in the 56-59 percent range year after year.
Here is a nice easy to read article that explains simply
Working Harder – Getting Less

You can read more here

Over the last few decades we have been taught that the rich should get richer because it trickles down to the entire economy creating jobs. Has anyone noticed that as companies are still making profits that jobs are being cut, wages have been almost at a total standstill for a decade.

According to the progressive economics blog.. “Real Average hourly earnings (AHE) of private sector employees rose by a total of just 6.7% over the entire decade, and the average  includes private sector managers (AHE up 20.3%) Excluding private sector managers (8.1% of the private sector workforce),  real AHE in the private sector rose by just 4.6%,  and the median non managerial private sector worker (half make more and half make less) experienced a real wage gain of just 3.4% over the decade.

The real average hourly earnings of the highest paid 5% (essentially managers and higher paid private sector professionals) rose by 12%.   The main change in the distribution of hourly wages over the period was a shift within the upper half of workers to the very top.

Real AHE were essentially flat over the entire decade for lower and middle wage occupations – including clerical jobs (down 0.3%); non supervisory manufacturing occupations (up 0.6%); cashiers and retail salespersons (down 3.0%) and even the construction trades (up just 2.2% over the decade.)”

For years corporate growth has not trickled down as our government officials still provide unnecessary tax breaks. The Los Angeles Times reported that “corporate earnings keep rising at a double-digit pace while workers are lucky to get even low single-digit wage increases.” During this period Corporate dividends were also growing.

Even now with the troubled economy the top 1% lost a lot of their value. But what have they down. As the bulk of America has bulked down, lost retirement income, lost jobs, used up their savings, lost wages, basically doing without a lot of things and dramatically changing the quality of their lives..the rich invested in Americas trouble and now are gaining ground again.  Car manufactures were in deep crap a while back..I didn’t see any reducing their prices by much to try and get rid of inventory and generate cash. Hell some financial institutions are already making enormous profits again while the rest of America. While the income gap widens even more.

Capitalism is a great idea, but it is not working as it was intended. The primary reason being our elected officials and their collaboration with big corporations. It never seems to change, just with different elected officials. I am so disgusted.

Does it seem like you are working harder for less money..You are!

Americans working much harder – for less pay – Eye on the Economy-

working harder for your money

George Bush has found a new career

George Bush with baseball bat
George Bush with baseball bat

Colleges and Universities want Bailout

I read an article just last week that now Colleges and Universities are stating they are under such a teribble strain , there is no way to fix it without the government stepping in. Excuse me has anyone seen how fast education costs have risen over the last 15 years? What have they been doing with the money?
It gets better, Just today there was an article about how many public school execs make over $500,000 per year!

I ask who is going to bailout the American middle class taxpayer? If a business has ruined their business to close couldn’t we take some money and give to the unemployment institutions for training in new areas? Help the unemplyed pay their bills? Rebuild some of are failing infrastructure? No we have to give it to the fat cats in suits with ties and then they still lay off workers!

I ask again who is going to help bailout working Americans?

How to get your part of the government bailout

How to get your part of the bailout

After hearing that the bailout plan is changing, including helping credit card companies(reasonable rates would probably get them a better ROI) , now the automakers want in. They build cars that cost more than houses and wind up in $65 an hour repair shops in less than year. They should go broke. Didn’t this happen before with the auto industry?  Anyways after hearing this news I decided to google can i get some bailout money. I could sure use it and came across this

Get a Piece of the Government Bailout
Our government is getting comical about this. I just dont see how this helps anyone but the wealthy.
Give the wealthy corporations and banks taxpayer money at 1.5% and then they can loan it back to us at their discretion with no over site or controls. Does this make sense to anyone but banks,corporations, and politicians?

Are you Riled Up?