
Coronavirus is the common cold ?

coronovirus is the common cold

I listen to conservative “news” and it just astounds me how much they actually just make up. Pretty much on a daily basis, twisting actual news, yelling , name calling and then they constantly complain about “the media” which is they are a part of by the way. How can you listen to a conservative […]

Trump FALL FORWARD | Daylight Savings Time

TRUMP fall forward daylight savings time declaring spring back fall forward

Research Political Candidates | Candidates distort the issues

political candidates distort the issues

Learn to research candidates from USA.gov . Political candidates distort the issues and/or try to sway your perceptions of issues and events. The following document is designed to aid all Americans understand and make a logical informed voting decisions for our nation as a whole. Including your ideals and values, without supporting a narrow focused […]

How Billionaires Make their Money | The Rich Get Richer

Opportunity is there, but very slim for most Americans. We thought this article on how billionaires make their money is interesting.. reminded us of our college days and Economics talking about barriers to entry. The rich get richer, however, most billionaires today did make their money the old fashioned way..earning it. Most Americans just simply dream of basic necessities […]

Does the Common Core Make You Gay ? |What is the Common Core

This is an actual elected official – his ignorance and fear tactics are embarrassing Its people like this that want our nation to stay uneducated Listen to this idiot Republican Florida State Representative Charles Van Zandt state the common core is trying to turn our kids gay. What is the Common Core? The Common Core is […]

America’s Widening Income Gap

Two party system sucks.. make your own stand for gods sake. Capitalism appears to be consuming itself. Satisfy the masses, and the one percent will do even better. Workers are just as valuable to our society as money movers and should have a reasonable quality of life and assurances also. What’s so hard about that […]

Iran – Really, we still doing this ? |Take Care of the House

Really, didnt we already do the Iran thing? Haven’t we still been playing the wink and nod game with them ? Lets quit voting in political science majors for office and take care of our house. Please quit tooting your horn about experience when the United States of America is much worsethan it has been […]