TRUMP fall forward daylight savings time declaring spring back fall forward
BS put out by the government
TRUMP fall forward daylight savings time declaring spring back fall forward
Learn to research candidates from USA.gov . Political candidates distort the issues and/or try to sway your perceptions of issues and events. The following document is designed to aid all Americans understand and make a logical informed voting decisions for our nation as a whole. Including your ideals and values, without supporting a narrow focused political faction.
How candidates distort and sway perceptions
Many Americans vote solely based on peer pressure from their community, or from a an over exaggerated media post. We can see in the polls how candidates move up and down based on news information on the tv and internet that day. Instead voters should be researching candidates . Its ok to listen to professional news and opinion, but be aware you are not getting the whole story as before 1987. Dont base a four year decision on what you heard last night by a talk show host.
Find out how candidates distort information and try to sway your perception. Get the information you need to analyze candidates. Base your decisions on the candidates and what our communities need , not just because of a very narrow scope of political affiliation.
What we hear is not necessarily how the candidate believes or will represent us. Many in the political arena distort issues and change narratives to fit agendas of big donors. Here some great information on how to research candidates , along with links to state election sites.
How to Research Candidates
trump make america great again during flood
Opportunity is there, but very slim for most Americans. We thought this article on how billionaires make their money is interesting.. reminded us of our college days and Economics talking about barriers to entry. The rich get richer, however, most billionaires today did make their money the old fashioned way..earning it. Most Americans just simply dream of basic necessities of life..which takes about $75,000 per year. We think $135,000 is a better number but them damn liberal think tanks..
How billionaires really make their money
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Its people like this that want our nation to stay uneducated Listen to this idiot Republican Florida State Representative Charles Van Zandt state the common core is trying to turn our kids gay.
The Common Core is clear college and career ready standards for children beginning in kindergarten thru 12th grade. These standards are to ensure graduating seniors from high school are prepared to take college courses or be productive workforce members of society. There is a huge differences in how states educate our children. As a result we have fallen behind the world. According to the Huffington Post,
“Just 6 percent of U.S. students performed at the advanced level on an international exam administered in 56 countries in 2006. That proportion is lower than those achieved by students in 30 other countries. American students’ low performance and slow progress in math could also threaten the country’s economic growth, experts have said.” The Common Core curriculum will help ensure all our children are taught critical skills needed to be successful.
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The mathematical progressions, or sequencing of topics, presented in the Common Core State Standards are coherent and based on evidence. Part of the problem with state standards is that states teach different things at different grades and ages. Now that state educators have agreed on the progression of standards, all students will be taught the same sequences. You can move from one state to the next and not find yourself a year behind. It is important to know that the progression taught thru Common Core is mathematically coherent and prepares our youth for college and careers at an internationally competitive level.
Education commissioners and states governors led the development of the Common Core in an interest to improve our children’s education , which has been proven statistically to have fallen behind a major part of the world. I think we all can agree we should be leaders in education, not trying to play catch up. The Common Core is a start. Input in the development of the standards was also and continues to be taken from teachers,parents,educators,school administrators and experts from across the country, along with every states leaders. The Common Core has absolutely nothing to do with the federal government or Obama.
You can learn more about the Common Core (there is nothing in it about homosexuality) at
I promise common core will not turn your kids gay –
science and homosexuality
Science that has answered the prayers of many gays by demonstrating a biological determinant Congenital Disorder, proving that they are not evil people who have made a lifestyle to choice to live in sin. This has helped normalize homosexuality in the eyes of the medical community and the minds of most Americans. I t has long since been removed from the list of “mental disorders” . Yet, many still think of homosexuality as something that needs to be cured.
Common Core Standards have also been adopted by American territories including, Samoan Islands, US Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam. The United States Department of Defense Education Activity has also adopted Common Core Standards.
This map displays the 46 states and District of Columbia’s adoption of CCSS as well as the 4 states that have not adopted CCSS. Minnesota adopted ELA but not Math standards.
Two party system sucks.. make your own stand for gods sake.
Capitalism appears to be consuming itself. Satisfy the masses, and the one percent will do even better. Workers are just as valuable to our society as money movers and should have a reasonable quality of life and assurances also. What’s so hard about that to understand?
I personally want our communities to have good education , good health and dental maintenance, and basically a stable life while preparing for retirement and improving the lives of our generation and the next.
I do not feel like that is unreasonable expectations for Americans as citizens of the leader of the free world. The quality of life of the poor and middle classes can be sustained while money movers and investors also increase their legacies. This is not new ideology, just not used by either of the two major political parties. Keep a log, they both go back and forth on policies based on their perceptions of how to stay in power and get full retirement and medical ..(the list goes on) at taxpayer expense.
The whole argument of taxation makes my furious. First, yes I was a supply side Reagonomics supporter, and at the time seemed to work for a lot of folks. The rich ‘want their taxes raised so they may invest, But the richest have had the luxury of huge tax breaks for years now, and instead of putting back into the economy, the hoard, then they reduce the nations workforce benefits and quality of life. Simply put, corporatism and elitest greed has stopped the trickle down effects and did years ago.
And I wish someone would explain to me how average Americans paying 20+ % on income made while working is fair when if millionaire pays 15% on unearned income. It just is not no matter how you spin it. Talk all you want to about redistribution of income but its already happening, just the poor is paving roads, building bridges, and paying a higher percentage of tax for the wealthiest of Americans. That percentage the poor and middle class is paying is a lot more detrimental to our society and families than a millionaire kicking in a few more bucks. A person making a million should pay more % than a $28,000 based on the above reasonable expectations set forth above. The rates should not even be flat. 35% of a million is minuscule compared to 20% + of $32000, thus, we have the total reduction of our standard of living as a nation as a whole. We haven’t even touched the state and local taxes,rising fuel & electric bills, freakin food even. You can see why no one is buying , there is no money left.
Now, if companies are not making the profits they want from customers, it simply comes out of labor. Then labor has less to spend on life’s needs and wants. Thus the company still is not quenching its insatiable thirst, thus it takes more from labor, etc..etc..etc.
As the Government and Big Business keep breaking the middle class and poor backs, and then refusing to fix them, the income gap widens. This has been going on for well over a decade. Not one President’s or Congresses fault. All of them run business the same, just say they won’t and blame the other. The widening income gap and distancing of classes is making us look almost communist and has to stop.
Really, didnt we already do the Iran thing? Haven’t we still been playing the wink and nod game with them ?
Lets quit voting in political science majors for office and take care of our house.
Please quit tooting your horn about experience when the United States of America is much worsethan it has been in generations, if not since its conception,
and take care of our house.
. Apparently career politicians cant get it right.
we had a nuclear threat, energy problems( which has tripled) since 1976. pretty simple, quit taking shit and giving them money. Take care of the house.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/12/us-iran-usa-clinton-idUSTRE7AB03220111112 First and foremost , take care of the house!
P.S. The house being us..Americans, all Americans not just the super wealthy and politicians.
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