Government Bailout-still bailing out business

Paulson is now deciding the government needs to help other businesses bailout. What about the American consumer? After a decade of huge corporate profits , the price per kilowatt of electricity actually doubling, fuel tripling, not to mention medical expenses , wages have been stagnant.  All Americans have not been using credit unwisely. Many have used it to provide for their families out of need due to the above factors mentioned.  As the rich have gotten richer, record corporate profits, the typical American family has been finally tapped out. Tapped out of savings, tapped out of credit. Yet our government sees fit to help the corporations. The majority of Americans have no more to give.

United States Population: 301,139,947

1 trillion dollars is basically $30,000 per person!

What would it do to the economy and families to have an additional $30,000?
There would be no need to shore up companies balance sheets AND give them taxpayer loan back to the taxpayer(doesn’t that seem odd?).

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