Tag Archives: bailout

Colleges and Universities want Bailout

I read an article just last week that now Colleges and Universities are stating they are under such a teribble strain , there is no way to fix it without the government stepping in. Excuse me has anyone seen how fast education costs have risen over the last 15 years? What have they been doing with the money?
It gets better, Just today there was an article about how many public school execs make over $500,000 per year!

I ask who is going to bailout the American middle class taxpayer? If a business has ruined their business to close couldn’t we take some money and give to the unemployment institutions for training in new areas? Help the unemplyed pay their bills? Rebuild some of are failing infrastructure? No we have to give it to the fat cats in suits with ties and then they still lay off workers!

I ask again who is going to help bailout working Americans?

How to get your part of the government bailout

Credit Card Bailout

We need a credit card bailout. Sure consumers need to try and be financially responsible, but after a decade of rising health, energy prices,(Fuel is 400% from 8 years ago, electricity has over doubled) and other basic costs of living, Wages have moved relatively slow. As corporate America and shareholders profited, little has been put back in, just trying to find more ways to cut costs(usually labor and benefits) to keep increasing profits for the elite.

Americans have had to use the credit (which was readily available by the way) for many basic needs. Our government keeps pouring money in to bailout financial institutions. How about a middle class bailout. This mess has been put on our backs for the last decade and now we are expected to keep working and paying taxes so the elite can stay in the top 5%.

Bailout middle class America, Bailout the credit card debt we have used to survive. This would immediately put more disposable income in the majarity of American’s hands. The Credit card companies who have basically been raping Americans at 20+ % interest can go to hell. Let legitimate companies who want to make reasonable profits emerge.  Please bailout Americans, Do not bailout the companies without a direct effect on Americans balance sheets!

More about the fast approaching credit card disaster.


Screw a bailout. If taxpayers are going to have to bail out multibillion dollar institutions(a bunch of those are the same guys that did the failed savings and loan bs in the seventies by the way) I need a bailout, I only need about 3.5 milliion.

I could give a shit less about some bank going broke because some preppie yuppies fucked it up. File bankruptcy and go find a job!

It will not destroy the American finacial system. Be a hell of a lot more closer to fixing it. Get rid of the dead money grubbing useless assholes. open the market up to new fresh ideas and legitimate banking and marketing principles.